Heavy duty machine for the grinding and polishing of flat products, working simultanueously from the top and from the bottom of the parts, with
This model is offered in different configurations to high volumes end users such as stainless steel service centers, pipe or bars manufacturers and in cases where an high productivity is required.
Most typical applications are.
- Welded tubes - Cosmetic finishing, satin or hairline, mirror polishing.
- Bars - grinding of extra material, defects removal and roughness improvement.
- Profiles and extrusions
The most advanced solution dedicated to work on long flat products such as tubes and bars.
SPX is a full automatic system working from bundle to bundle.
The units divided in couples, works simultaneously on two faces of the products, with controlled pressure in order to use an high but balance the working force and to upkeep the same effect on the products avoiding overburning or bending.
The machine is able to work on more pieces simultaneously on two faces or in case of more units to work the piece on 4 faces in one pass.
Alternatives to SPX
SPX - Available with compelte automation.
Tubes and bars, bundle to bundle
According to chosen model
200 mm
From 3 up to 150 mm
From 2000 up to 6100 mm
Grinding belts or polishing wheels.
Dry or wet with coolant liquid, and filtration system.
Workable products
Workable dimensioms
Tools used
Working conditions
Street: Via Quadretto 5 - 9
Post code: 20013 City: Magenta
State: ITALY - EU
Ph: +390297003431
Fx: +390297296473
@: info@surfaceenginering.it